Thursday, July 20, 2006


Translation of mama loren's Prediction

My Comment...
One of Her prediction in this email has been happened.
For the one at Jogja and Solo.
More, during last two days, Jakarta is also shaken by earthquake.
Some of my friends who are still in that City. Shared the scarry, when they are still on their offices, at high building.
What do you think ? where The world is going...

With Condolance,
Erwin S.

In English :
Subject: the Prediction according to Loren's mama.

Dear All,
Read please to anticipate then how come.
,believed or not.

Guys, I got this from senior I am at my camp inside TPI (One of Indonesian TV Station). He interviewed Mama Loren and She sent this message to us.

Very Frank, made me "Not Know What to Do" also here.
Ipong sudarsono (1/25/2005 11:38:55 GENERAL): Krakatau or Merapi will explode this year.
This will cause the tsunami in the Javanese Island especially Central Java.

Jakarta would the flood more serious than yesterday in 2002 & the possibility to be biggest earthquake in Jakarta.

The building in the Casablanca road the floor 20 (she didn't mentrion the building name) will collapse.

And, evidently Aceh's disaster has mean nothing compare to the disaster in this year.

If you want to see her presentation. Put in the agenda of the PEOPLE's MARKET 76 in TPI, the date 31 in January 2005, at 22 o'clock.
Possibly had several were cut off in editing so it won't cause the community panic.
I am not too believed, but her previous prediction was proven.

So, That's it.

Btw, after interview, She held the Cross-religion meeting to discuss this problem & how to share the information to the people.

Maybe we must not believe but not mistakenly for us to start thinking what's important in our life and hold ones near and dear to the us....

in this occassion, I don't know whether true or not. At least if anything should happend I would like to say sorry to all mistakes and hurtfull things that i might done to you.

Hope this is just another chaotic like last millenium, let's just really really pray
that we will be away from this disaster. amen.

In Indonesia :
Subject: Ramalan menurut mama loren....

Dear All,

Dibaca ya untuk mengantisipasi aja kok...,percaya ngga percaya sih....

guys gue dapet ini dari senior gue di kampus yang kerja di TPI. Dia ngewawancarain mama loren n dia
ngirim message ini ke gue. terus terang rada bikin gue parno juga nih..

ipong_sudarsono (1/25/2005 11:38:55 AM): Krakatau atau Merapi akan meletus tahun ini. Hal ini akan
menyebabkan tsunami di Pulau Jawa khususnya Jawa Tengah... Jakarta bakal banjir lebih parah dari
tahun 2002 kemarin & kemungkinan ada gempa besar di Jakarta... Gedung di jalan Casablanca lantai 20
(dia ngga nyebutin gedung apa) akan runtuh... Dan, ternyata bencana Aceh ngga ada apa-apanya ama
bencana di tahun ini.... Kalo mo lihat tayangannya di acara PASAR RAKYAT 76 di TPI, tanggal 31
Januari, jam 22.00. Mungkin ada beberapa yang dipotong di editing agar tidak menimbulkan keresahan
di masyarakat. Gue ngga percaya..., tapi ramalannya kemarin terbukti.... So.... Gitu deh... Oya,
setelah shooting, dia mengadakan pertemuan Lintas Agama untuk ngebahas masalah ini & gimana caranya
ngasih tau ke Masyarakat...

maybe kita ngga harus percaya tapi ngga ada salahnya kita mulai mikir whats important in our life
and hold the ones near and dear to us..

in this occassion, gue ngga tau apakah ini bener apa engga tapi at least if anything should happend
gue mau say sorry buat semua wrong doing and hurtfull things that i might done to you.

mudah-mudahan ini cuma another kericuhan kaya millenium dulu, let's just really really pray bahwa
kita akan dihindarkan dari marabahaya ini. amiiin.

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